#25 my first born...

i was unsure whether to include my daughters in my 40 women countdown, but as a mother they are events as monolithic as monadnocks in my life. which may not be the correct usage of monadnock, but that is a heck of a hard word to work into a post about your daughter....

my daughters help define for me what it means to be a woman, they are the 2 of the 3 reason i want to be a good woman. i want to do for them what these 38 other women have done for me... given me a great example of womanhood and all it’s responsibilities and blessings. 

and i did a nice post for maxx for his birthday, so he can’t complain too much about missing out... so here goes my post about my first born...


in march of 1994, i became a mother. 

i brought home this little baby girl and i named her millie (in honor of my dad, millard)...

she is incredible. 

and i am not just saying that because she is exactly like me.

that is the part i like the least about her because two me’s in one house... well, you do the math.

after growing up and having NO one with the same genes in my family, it is really strange to have someone who is so much like you that it is scary...

and the scariest part is that she is better at being me than i am... 

she is wittier, she is more sure of who she is, and she is very comfortable with being just like me. she seems to enjoy being like me and some days i don’t enjoy being like me...

i know that one day someone will say, “you are just like your mother” and she will roll her eyes. but for now she laughs and says sarcastically, “i have never heard that before. really, you think i am like my mother?”

oh, she is a witty little thing.

one time when she said something really funny to me, i told her that she couldn’t be funnier than me.

because we all know how that turns out...mirror mirror on the wall, who is the funniest one of all?

and if the mirror says that millie is funnier, then i am fairy tale bound to send her into the woods and demand that someone brings her heart back to me in a little box.

or i could just accept it graciously...

but i am not sure which i will choose....

be afraid funny girl.. be very afraid...

​millie and her bling...
a ring that her dad and i gave her this year... it is three aquamarines (her birthstones). two small ones and a larger one in the middle. she immediately said, “oh, the small ones are you and dad protecting me”. which was ex…

millie and her bling...

a ring that her dad and i gave her this year... it is three aquamarines (her birthstones). two small ones and a larger one in the middle. she immediately said, “oh, the small ones are you and dad protecting me”. which was exactly what i had thought when i first saw it.

then she said, “or it could be the three kids and i am the large stone because you love me best”....

really, she is so like me that someone should investigate us for cloning...