fear not...

because if you think you have read the last of my blogging everyday you are sorely mistaken. 

because it is youth choir tour time.


this year’s theme is FEAR NOT. because this year is a mystery trip. we have NO IDEA where we are going. well, our fearless leader has an idea and a plan. but we are like much like sgt. schultz on hogan’s heroes, “I KNOW NOTHING!”

and if you want to follow along with us and find out where we are going and what we are doing pretty much at the same time we are finding it out... you can follow my blogging for the trip by clicking on this handy dandy first baptist church youth choir mission trip link...

here is my first blog post which isn’t even up on the website yet. you are soooooooooo lucky to read it here first...

dear readers...

this is your friendly blogger/chaperone/photographer for the youth choir tour. yes, it’s time for youth choir tour once again (is it just me or did we just come home from last year’s trip two weeks ago?) those of you who have made this blogging journey with me before know what that means... 

once more it is time for you to abandon all your hopes and dreams that in the previous year i learned to use correct grammar, complete sentences, and capital letters. 

those of you just turning in for this year’s choir tour blog, try to embrace the quirkiness of my writing style and resist the urge to mark up your computer screen with a red pen.

and those of you who were my english and writing teachers, i implore you to stop reading this immediately. 

however for all of you i am the only blogger you have for this week so steel your nerves, shelve your comprehension of the english language rules and read on...

this year's tour is a MYSTERY tour. we have no idea where we are heading. what we will be doing everyday. or any of the details. and i love the details. i think someone once said "God is in the details." they even said it in latin, "Le bon Dieu est dans le detail" and anything said in latin sounds really really smart. and i like to know God and i like to be really really smart, so i like to know the details. but my Bible shows me a God who is all about a good mystery...

1 timothy 3:15 (the message)

this Christian life is a great mystery, 

far exceeding our understanding, 

but some things are clear enough...

this is what is clear to me... i am not good with mysteries. 

i mean i LOVE to read mystery books. if by “love to read” you really mean “skip to the ending and read that part first.” once i know the ending, then i am fine to read and enjoy the “mystery” which isn’t much a “mystery” anymore since i know the ending. 

EVERYONE seems to think that i (your illustrious blogger) know where we are going this week. but here is the truth... i have NO CLUE NANCY DREW! WHICH DOESN'T MAKE ME JUMP WITH JOY LIKE A HARDY BOY! 

not only do i not know where we are going... i am DRIVING THE OTHER VEHICLE for the trip.

hmmmm, seems to me that someone who is driving should know where we are going. but my only instructions are “follow the bus.” this is going to be interesting... and by “interesting” i mean “do you know a good therapist for me to talk to on the phone all week?”

if you have read our other youth choir blogs from the previous couple of years, you know that i usually end up learning much more than any of the kids (who are the ones who are supposed to be learning things) on these trips. yes, you just spent all that $$$ so that this friendly blogger would learn some things and blog about these things in incomplete and sometimes incoherent sentences. keep the number for your therapist, you may need it.

i think God has a lot to teach me about embracing this theme of mystery and NO FEAR this week. which kind of scares me. so much for the “no fear” theme. because as we have already learned... me no likey mysteries unless i know the ending. are we clear on that yet?

the first thing that i learned when i did a little search through the Bible for the word “mystery” was the actual hebrew word for “mystery” is “musthvrion” from a derivative of “muo” which means TO SHUT THE MOUTH. ha. God is hilarious sometimes. He should have His own show. a mystery/comedy show.

mysteries are sometimes are so incredible that they make us shut our mouths in that we have no words to describe them. but i think sometimes a mystery means that God wants us to shut our mouths and just follow the bus wherever it is going. no complaining. no arguing, no why why whining. and so that is what i am going to be doing a lot of this week... shutting my mouth and following the bus. 

embrace the mystery. with no fear. (and no capital letters.)

join me on this journey. i get the feeling it is going to be exciting...