permission granted...

yesterday was a great do nothing day- i had completed my to do list (mail a package of notecards i had made for someone, take a check to mom, grocery store, drop off some thank you notes, clean up breakfast, laundry o’the day) all by 2:00 and i thought to myself “self, let’s take a nap just because we can.” the kids were all occupied in games and reading and quiet stuff, soo off i went for a little nappie- JUST BECAUSE....

and the phone rang. i of course, looked at who it was. i am NOTHING if not a total call screener. it was my friend tracy- the BUSIEST WOMAN ON THE PLANET. 4 kids, full time job, and a bunch of other stuff to deal with. she used to live in the house behind us and we walked/ran EVERY morning at 5:00- that is A. freaking M. people! and she made me SPRINT at the end of the run. and by some miracle of God, when she shouted SPRINT, i sprinted like there was a dozen doughnuts at the end of the run (which there never was)...

but of course i answered because she is so fun and cool and i LOVE chatting with her when she has a brief minute of tow on her lunch break. did i cover the fact that she is THE BUSIEST WOMAN IN THE UNIVERSE???? 

anyway, the first thing the BUSIEST WOMAN IN THE GALAXY says to me is “are you on your way to take a nap?”

now how does she know this? she used to look at my bathroom window to see if the light was on to see if i was up for the morning run time- perhaps now she has a camera installed in the bedroom and has copious amounts of time to check that camera to see my napping habits, but i doubt that fact seriously since she is THE BUSIEST WOMAN IN ALL OF HISTORY.

i really don’t want to admit to this busy gal that i have the time to take a nap after doing my paltry little to do list when she must have a to do list that rivals the book A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. but she has caught me off guard and who can lie to tracy? so i tell her that yes, i was off to nap and not for a little sprinting run with my free time (which is should be doing)...

and this gal, with all she has on her plate, in her bowl, spilling out of her cup, and all over the table says, “you go girl, you take a nap.” she was calling to tell me that she had read my blog (i have at least ONE faithful reader, and it is THE BUSIEST WOMAN IN ALL OF SPACE AND TIME, i feel special) and she had the same love/hate relationship with summer. i have at least one thing in common with THE BUSIEST WOMAN THAT EVER EXISTED, that makes me feel very good. almost as good as my little nap for no reason made me feel. because just like when tracy tells me to SPRINT, i sprint like the devil himself is chasing me with his little pitchforky thing. when tracy tells me to nap, i nap like the lives of myself and all those i love depend on me napping. see friends, that nap of mine may have saved your lives- i live to serve. i am a heroine of nap fame. do they hand out nobel peace prizes for napping? because someone needs to send in my name to that nobel prize committee and it isn’t going to look as selfless if i have to nominate myself...

anyway nobel peace prize aside, it was nice to have permission for that nap from the BUSIEST WOMAN THAT WILL EVER LIVE ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH. here’s to you tracy... thanks for the permission to nap, thanks for reading this blog in the midst of your BUSY BUSY BUSY day, thanks for loving me and being my friend.