amusing ourselves through summer...

OK, is any other family out there obsessed with disney channels “phineas and ferb” cartoon? WE ARE at the marshall house and i do not like it if the kids watch an episode without me. maybe it is the catchy song in each episode. click here to watch the gichi gitchi goo means that i love you song. it is one of our favorites! of course we also liked the one where the bad guy sang about how he was going to get even with his brother by covering him in pigeon poo, the lyrics go... “my good two shoe brother, the favorite of my mother, the one i want to cover in a ton of pigeon poo”. yes, people that is good entertainment.

another summer favorite is this boy...


alex rider: (sigh) seen here in a movie poster.

maxx has been reading all the books in the  alex rider series. he is like a 14 year old

james bond, complete with really cool gadgets. i just love it when he chases bad guys... on his bicycle. thanks to my friend, jenny, for suggesting the series. we watched the alex rider: operation storm breaker MOVIE last night and LOVED it. i especially loved the NO profanity (it is really cute when the bad guys say “what the heck?”). seems that now millie is interested in reading  the books also. could it be because the boy who plays alex in the movies makes sac effron look like a total sissy? yes, it could be...

anyway, that is all the entertainment newsfrom the marshall house. a cartoon t.v. show.a book series, and a movie. really, i am a veritable font on how to fritter away your summer days....

i am off to work at vbs this week!