don't you wish you were me...

...maybe not with over 300 blog posts to still be added to this blog. one by one. photo by photo. it is a bit unnerving and overwhelming and tedious BUT it has its moments of fun as i slowly wade through the past 6 years post by post. and it is a bit disconcerting how many things i had forgotten ALL about until i reread my blog posts. they say the memory is the first to go. the second is the ability to finish what you...

so you may not wish to be me ...but then let me remind you that i am going on a cruise later this week!​

are you rethinking your answer?

​and not only am i going on this cruise BUT i am in​ charge of planning and implementing all the teenager activities. so not only do i go on an awesomely fun cruise BUT i hang out with cool young people on the cruise. win/win!

​and to really make you all jealousy here is a sneak peak at one of the activities that i am planning....

amazing race.jpeg

i have been working on getting all of the games set up (the amazing race one will be planned mostly on the boat once we see the ship and figure out what the road blocks and detours can be for each stop along the route. but i do have all the detour, road block, route info and route marker flags ready.)​ sometimes being a meticulous planner AND a spontaneous wacky game lovin' gal works itself out in some kind of perfect storm of magically delicious fun. this is one of those times.

i am super duper excited about the FOUR teen only events that i am in charge of... first because i love to be in charge. second because they are going to be so much fun! and third because i have maxed out on the cute graphics and lamination with the little details of the games and that makes me very happy. nothing like the smell of laminating in the morning...

i am going to try to blog some from the ship. especially with my new cool squarespace blog that enables me to blog from any place where i can get the internet and have access to a computer. my blog could only be updated from my own computer. on my own desk. in my own house. a bit more limiting indeed.