
this is all i KNOW about KNOWvember...

it has passed by in a blur.

a blur of hundreds of photos taken of friends and family and a dozen or so Christmas cards designed so that i could earn enough $ to pay for our Christmas cards. CHECK.

a blur of school volunteering. tropicana speech judging. taking over 100 photos at grandparents day at raa and emailing each photo to a different grandparent. then filing a mile high stack of absentee excuses at raa TWICE. CHECK.

a blur of getting Christmas gifts ready for adam’s family since we will see them at thanksgiving. CHECK.


and a blur of getting my house clean and sparkly for those three kiddos pictured above. and their parents (because this isn’t a remake of HOME ALONE). they will be staying here while we are gone over thanksgiving. my BRILLIANT plan of everyone only having one set of sheets and one towel works great day to day in a house without any linen storage BUT when guests are coming and staying on your beds and showering in your shower... that is a lot of sheets and towels to be washed all in one fell swoop. but it is done. the washer is squeaking out a last load. everything smells fresh and clean. well, clean-ish. it is as clean-ish as it gets the week before thanksgiving. CHECK.

a blur of life. and i am not a fan of blurry. i like things a bit more solid. a bit less at a speed that brings on a combination of nausea, exhaustion, and overwhelming crankiness. CHECK (on the overwhelming crankiness, though that is the one thing i wish wasn’t CHECKED on my list).

and little sweet 2 year old boy.... i know exactly how you feel. sometimes i just want to hold a stuffed animal and cry. especially after a long november day.

trice card-1.jpg