labor day...

can we really call it labor day if i didn’t labor at all? if i read three books by the beach and listened to children playing with their uncles in the water and the drone of the little boat dragging kids and knee boards and tubes through the sea? is that really laboring? 

what about watching your little nieces exploring the sand and sea? and the “little one” eating sand over and over again while we all just cooed over her. and bribing the toddler one with a tutu to wear so that she would like you more? and what if that didn’t really work and she didn’t like you any more but you just kept on taking pictures of her whilst she ignored you? would that be considered laboring? 

and you photographed a late afternoon sandbar game of ultimate frisbee with the boys (and rosie) through your long distance lens so that they never even knew that you had taken your nose out of that book and payed attention to them at all. and you watched your son the boys scout teach your husband tie a really cool know onto the boat to anchor it. any part of that considered labor?

and you sat and chatted with your sister and sisters-in-law and at some point you can’t even remember which of them you didn’t know all of your life because they are all so precious to you. so different from you and yet we all make up a complete family. and we all cook some DELICIOUS food.

and you watch your dad watching all of us. the lines of his face softening just a bit as we are all under one roof for just a moment again.

i think you can call it a labor of love...

i had to get a photo of my brother and his nighttime attire. he HAS to tuck his pajamas into his socks. he hates drafts. 

and then make sure you submit your official vote on WHO IS TALLER? amoungst the marshall teens. we think maxx might have it by a hair. but millie is holding strong...