always one must thrown oneself...

"He gave me no assurance.  No fixed land. Always one must throw oneself into the wave."

{the King, speaking of Maleldil (God) in perelandra, c.s. lewis}


which reminded me of one of my favorite quotes ever...


“I have learned to kiss the wave that drives me against the Rock of Ages.”

{charles spurgeon}


but have i learned to thrown myself into the wave? not yet. but i don't fear the waves like i used to fear them. i still yearn for safety but am learning not to need it quite so much. so there's no fixed land (this side of heaven)... no assurances (save that one Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine)... just the relentless powerful waves always driving me against the Rock of Ages. He isn't kind. but He is good. a perfect Love that is somehow stronger than kindness... and more unsettling...
