christmas countdown...

look at my lovely christmas countdown calendar. it is an over the door shoe holder from target. and in each pocket is a little prize (comfy socks from bath and body works or $5 gift cards from target, starbucks, chick-fil-a, books-a-million, wendy’s, and tropical smoothie) and an envelope with the gift card and a note inside....

so everyday a marshall takes the gift and the envelope and the card... fills out the card. puts the gift card and card in the envelope and that marshall gives away the gift. anonymously. to a great teacher. to a custodian. to a friend who is having a hard day. to a stranger. to a nice waitress. to whoever God lays on their heart to give it to that day. and then we talk about who we gave it to and why. 

it is super fun. 

if you would like the printables for this project email me ( and i will email them all to you in pdf form. because i am a giver. 

also because i am a giver our christmas card and marshall family slideshow will go up on this website sometime tomorrow. tallahassee people will get their card in the mail starting tomorrow and so i will put it up in the afternoon sometime. whoo hoo. 379 cards folded, stapled, sealed, addressed, and stamped. all since monday afternoon. again, i am a giver. a worn out giver.