i am a genius..

and kind of like the ole “i am a poet and didn’t know it” saying, i had NO idea how smart i was until i read donald miller’s blog today.

 the donald was short and sweet with this lesson... 


Here’s a secret I learned long ago. It’s a big one and it’ll propel you into a future of greatness….


Instead of taking social cues from people your age, take cues from people ten and twenty years older than you. Are you looking for a church that has a lot of people who are your age so you can hang out? That’s fine, but try looking for one where most of the people have families and perhaps a little grey hair. Why? Because the sooner you can relate to their priorities, the sooner you’ll be ready for the next stage of life. I’m in my late thirties but I’m more interested in hanging out with people who are retired. What’s it teaching me? It’s teaching me what matters later in life is friendships, family and love. In matters of faith, what matters to them is not theological debate, but closeness with Jesus and unity with believers.

that is why i LOVE my Bible study group of women who are all 10-20-30 years older than i am. and perhaps that is why the greene girls spend so much time at my house because i am 10ish years older than they are. hey, that makes them GENIUSES too!

is the plural of genius geniuses or genui?

hmmm, a real genius would have known.


and speaking of...

“stick the landing”. which we were speaking of in the last blog post...

which just means that when you do something you finish it well. remember in the olympics when the gymnast has finished a PERFECT routine and then she doesn’t “stick the landing”. oooh, that is so sad. so i get to practice “sticking my landings” everyday. and it is a term that i whisper to myself a lot. and i whisper it to my kids a lot....

here are some examples of “sticking the landing”...

when you do the dishes, you wipe off the counters and you sweep up the floor and you wipe down the sink at the end. 10.0!

when you clean the toilet you CLEAN the floor around it and the bottom part of the toilet. ANOTHER PERFECT 10.0!

when you make the bed, you fluff the pillows and declutter your bedside table. THE CROWD GOES WILD!

folding your laundry, putting it away AND neatening up your sock drawer. HAND THIS GIRL A MEDAL!

so the other day our neighbor’s cable line was down dangerously close to the ground. cars were getting right up to it before they saw it and screeching to a halt. right at our driveway. it was kind of fun to watch. and a bit nerve racking.

so maxx and i grabbed some YELLOW duck tape and went out and put it on the wire. we made nice 10-12 inch strips of BRIGHT YELLOW duck tape to alert any drivers from way down the street that the wire was down and unpassable on that side.

before. cable line marked with YELLOW duck tape for safety...​

before. cable line marked with YELLOW duck tape for safety...​

it ended up being up there for two days. our neighbors are out of town and so they weren’t aware of this. adam called the cable company and since it wasn’t our wire... well, they couldn’t come and do anything. so then i called the electrical company and they sent someone out since the school buses were having to drive through someone’s yard to avoid the low hanging wire. i saw the utility truck arrive just as maxx and i were leaving for his cross country practice last night. he ran 5 miles. i walked 2. we finished at the same time. no comments about that please. back to the point, the low hanging wire, that was being put back up by the competent tallahassee utilities team...

maxx and i arrived home to find that they had put the wire back up on high where it should be...

and they had left the BRIGHT YELLOW duck tape strips right there still on the wire. yup. right over over driveway. marking clearly our house as the one with yellow duck tape strips overhead. yay. at least we spaced them evenly. since we will be looking at them FOREVER!

and after... cable line put back up. still with YELLOW duck tape on it for perpetuity. sigh.​

and after... cable line put back up. still with YELLOW duck tape on it for perpetuity. sigh.​

my favorite part is that as we drove down the street and saw this from FAR AWAY, maxx’s only comment was..

“way to stick the landing”.

yes indeed, my young padawan. you have learned well. may the landing be stuck like yellow duct tape with you.