wardrobe function...

it is spring-ish outside. and that calls for something new to wear. i am not a shopper. millie took every shopping gene that i had and encompassed it into her dna. draining me of all my love of shopping. all the shopping that i do is with her and is out of love for her and a desire that she not buy out the mall. and every time we go out shopping by the time the shop-athon is over i NEVER want to enter another store again in my life. until the next week when she wants to go shopping again... thus ensuring that i never go shopping unless it is with millie.

but momma needed one or two items to face the spring temperatures. so that i stopped sweating profusely by noon in my winter wardrobe. a winter wardrobe which was nicely procured WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL SHOPPING from lands’ end online. regardless of the debate about whether they need that apostrophe at the end of the word, i still respect them for their return policy and the fact that i am the same size in ANYTHING i order from them. thus ensuring that i don’t have to use that wonderful return policy too often. 

you may also recall my love for lands’ end bathing suits. tugless suits. because a gal doesn’t want to spend her summer tugging. no’mam. i have much better things to do than tug. i am also a HUGE fan of their beach living bathing suit collection. because i do like to live at the beach. and i like coverage of my essential parts while i am living at the beach. and i have a lot to cover. if you get my drift. and lands’ end gets my drift. they have my back. and my front. and my rear. thank you lands’ end. everyone at st. teresa beach thanks you.

so to educate you on my wardrobe needs... my winter wardrobe consisted of two pairs of their performance sport pants (one black and one brown). thank goodness they are antimicrobial because i never had to deal with a single microbial ALL WINTER. really, i never even felt one land on the pants. amazing. add a various and sundry turtleneck and one of my three lands end half zip fleece tops (green, orange, or gray) which were all from previous years. one new fleece half zip a year... that’s my motto.  yes, that was my winter wardrobe. throw in a pair of jeans and one nice church outfit and you have the extent of my closet. really, i kid you not that is the extent of my wardrobe (and about all that will fit into my closet). did you see me this winter? what was i wearing? i rest my case.

so now it is time to put those turtlenecks and fleece away until next winter (hmmm, what new color will i purchase next year... stay tuned. how excited!). or as it will actually happen, move those item to the top shelf to make room on the middle shelf for my spring/summer/fall wardrobe (really, all those season require almost the same clothing here in tallahassee). so frugal of me to lump three seasons into one wardrobe line.

so i turn once again to my trusty apostrophed lands’ end friends. and they did not disappoint me. no siree. i ordered two pairs of their knit cropped pants. black and charcoal gray (and if they put the navy pair on sale later, i may get those also... i know WILD!). and i also went all shopping spree and ordered three brand spankin’ new tops (bright blue, black, and a pale mint) to wear with these pants. if i could do the math, i could tell you how many outfit variations i will have with three tops and two pants but millie isn’t home to do that math problem for me. i let her do all the shopping and all the math. just know that you will see me in those pants and tops until the turtlenecks and fleece reappear with the frosty mornings next october. i like a look that you can count on. that way you can recognize me in the grocery store. 

so the lands end box arrived. everything fit perfectly. and i love the knit capri pants. they make me look almost like i tried to get dressed but didn’t try too hard. just the look i was going for. and i am sure like all things lands’ end they will wash and wear without any fading or shrinkage. how do i know this? because i have had the same two tugless bathing suits from lands’ end for over 5 years. no fading. no over-stretching. and i do a lot of beach living in them. they round out my summer wardrobe. 

here is a little hint from me to you... before you order anything from lands’ end, google “lands’ end free shipping” and most of the time you will find a free shipping code. and this time i found a code where i received free shipping AND 20% off my order if it was over $100. which my order was... because i splurged on three shirts. but that is the extent of my clothing needs for spring/summer/winter. well, that and a new church/wear to several weddings dress. i always need a summer weddings dress. because we always have a plethora of summer weddings. you may recall that my little black/tan patterned dress from last summer was worn to 5 weddings. and almost every sunday (except the sundays right after the weddings. i wore gray dress pants and a blacks lands’ end top those sundays. they became casual sundays for me). so it might be time to splurge on a new dress. hmmmm, wonder what lands’ end has in that category?

please keep in mind that in no way is this an advertisement for lands’ end. they have not asked me to endorse their clothing. they most likely have no idea who i am or really notice that i seem to order twice a year and always with a free shipping code. and much to my disappointment they have not asked me to be their spokesmodel for “wearing performance sport pants even when you are not performing or sporting anything”. yet...

i have never seen a lands end gift card. perhaps i need to see several of them. in my hand...​

i have never seen a lands end gift card. perhaps i need to see several of them. in my hand...​