the things i took...

my dad is packing up. going through kitchen items and decor things that he won’t be needing. and so i chose a few things that i really really wanted...

like this egg poacher. it reminds me of all the breakfasts that my mother made. different hot breakfasts every day. and i don’t think i ever thanked her. and i wonder why my kids don’t thank me profusely every day for the hot breakfasts that i make every day. maybe one day they will. maybe...


and this great wooden bowl. i love it. and i love all of our christmas cards in it. it reminds me of growing up in the 70’s. which was a great time to grow up. because we had pong. and gilligan’s island.


and this cool glass thing. i am not sure what it was. but it is now a pen holder for my morning Bible study time. i need a lot of pens. and post it tabs. what does that say about me? i think it says that i am clever to store them in this glass thingie. i love reaching for a pen for it to jot down something or to underline something in my Bible. my parents’ Bibles were always so filled with notes. underlined passages. i am sure my name is written by several verses as they prayed those verses over my life. i learned the importance of the Word from them. what they had in writing in their Bibles they lacked in ease of finding pens. i grew up in a house where i could never find a pen or a pair of scissors. so i hoard both of those items... obviously. 


and my dad gave me this set of china. millefluer. it is simple and elegant. and millie already chose it as her china for when she gets married. IF we let her date ever. i already had my paternal grandmother’s china that has roses on it that i am giving to rosie when she gets married. IF anyone ever wants to date her...

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and these beautiful glasses. i love looking around my house and seeing pieces of my childhood. beautiful things given to me by my parents. things that are just things. things that i could live without. but seeing them reminds me of all the love that has been passed down to me as a legacy. 
