
was amazing.​

and cold.​

and i didn't take many photos. because i was wearing my mittens. and i didn't want to take them off.​

i will give a review of the shows we saw soon. i am still recovering. and have a pretty nasty cold and cough. but here are a couple of photos to whet your appetite...​

the butt...

the first weekend in february (since 1996) a group of friends and i have gotten together to scrapbook. to laugh. to check in on each other's lives. it is always a highlight of my year. we call the trip "the butt" because one year we stayed at "butts mill farm." now we stay at rock eagle 4h camp's founders lodge. much nicer. but still called "the butt." which is almost as funny as the gals that attend an event called "the butt." here is a little photo retrospective thru the years. hairstyles. and pajama styles through the years...

last weekend of summer...

...meant one last road trip. my college roomie, dina, was dropping her daughter off at anderson university. and she was having to do it all by herself. well, she had family members helping her with the actual "moving" into the room. and her hubby and son would be arriving on monday from her hubby's business trip... but she was emotionally alone for saturday night through monday morning. and i just couldn't let that happen.

so i told her that i was coming up on saturday. to be there. to hold her hand. to rub her back. to make her laugh. whatever she needed.

and then we told another friend. karen was dropping her son off at college on friday and would be back home on saturday. soooo she could join me up in anderson. now i had two college moms to console. then we picked up another mom, lisa, who just left her LAST child at college earlier in the week. and deaver wasn't going to have all of us heading up without her (plus she wasn't dropping a kid at college and i needed another emotionally stable mom to help in my consolation project.) so she drove over from nashville.

deaver and i arrived in atlanta late friday night. and we had all of saturday morning to plan our event. we decided to decorate the hotel room in a "congratulations" theme. to make this a celebration of wonderful parenting. then we made up a "moms gone wild jeoPARTY" game and bought prizes for each right answer. 

after the game we went to eat at one of my FAVORITE restaurants EVER... sullivan's metropolitan grill. adam and i have been there before because one of my high school friends and her hubby are the owners! and it is FABULOUS! my friend, sabra, makes all the desserts. amazing. luscious. fantabulous. there really aren't enough words. 

we had to head out early sunday morning. i needed to come back for our last night before "back to school" monday. my LAST "back to school" with three kids at home. that isn't a big deal at all. did you believe that? because it was a HUGE LIE.

i think we succeeded in making this difficult transition a bit more emotionally manageable. for at least one night.

and it gave me a new appreciation for EVERY moment this year. the last year that i have with millie at home. sigh. hope someone has some really great prizes for me to win next fall. i get the feeling that i will need some prizes...

we had this Bible verse on the door to the room. it was our goal for the time we had together to remove the sorrows for this appointed time in their lives...

zephaniah 3:17-18

The Lord your God is with you,

    He is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you,

    He will quiet you with his love,

    He will rejoice over you with singing.

The sorrows for the appointed feasts

    I will remove from you...

on the road again...

home for less than a week. and heading out again. up to camp crestridge and camp ridgecrest to pick up our happy campers.

then spending the weekend in brevard, nc with adam's family.

on sunday maxx, his friend wil (who is spending the weekend as part of the marshall family. for the second year in a row.) and i will head down to the north georgia mountains for leon high school cross country camp. the boys are running. i am cooking food for all the cross country runners. not sure which is harder. okay, the running twice a day might be the harder gig. but meals for 20 runners? that is quite a marathon in itself...

adam and the girls head home. i will head home wednesday night after dinner and arrive home late in the night because millie is scheduled for wisdom teeth extraction early thursday morning. watch for youtube videos of her under the influence of the drugs to be posted soon. let's hope it is even greater than this video...

maxx and the cross country team will come home on sunday. hope they can forage for food without me for a couple of days (oh, who are we kidding? i will be leaving them lots of food in the fridge. spaghetti sauce. casseroles. taco soup. etc...)

and Lord willin' and the creek don't rise once maxx is home... all marshalls will be together.

and then school starts again. boo.

let's look at some pictures from the camp website of my kids at fun fun summer camp to drive that last sentence about school out of our consciousness, shall we?

there aren't many maxx sightings because he is in the sioux tribe this year and they are out hiking the appalachian trail for the majority of the two weeks. can't wait to see his laundry...

off the road again...


i am home. here is a recap of the last 6 days numerically...

1592 miles.​

2 kids dropped off at camps (one at crestridge for girls and one at ridgecrest for boys.)​

2 nights in 2 different holiday inn expresses. one night on the "executive floor" in an "executive suite". one night in a regular room. no difference in the two rooms except as an executive member i got a bottle of water.​ 

3 nights in various and sundry friends' homes along the way. thank you facebook for the ability to give a shout out of "i will be in your area. do you have a guest room?" nope, i am not above that. even though i am an executive sometimes according to holiday inn express.​

6 college tours. 6 college presentations. 6 times of hearing how %&^$%^# expensive college will be for us times 3 children.

598,566,473 times that i said to myself, "self, you should be a millionaire. self, you would be such a cute millionaire."​

1 book on cd. still not finished. took some breaks from the french revolution every now and then to rejoin the present time.​

​2 colleges she liked. 2 i liked. and MIRACLE UPON MIRACLE they were the same 2.

0 colleges we can afford without her obtaining MAJOR scholarship help. or this blog going viral and me winning blogger of the year. make it happen people. make it happen.​